Safety net programs are designed to protect us when times get tough. But a recent wave of legislative and administrative attacks to those programs has threatened vital food and health assistance for millions of families across Alabama and the nation.
The stakes are high for people who struggle to make ends meet. Medicaid is a health care lifeline for one in four Alabamians. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps one in six Alabamians keep food on the table. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program provides meager but essential cash assistance for thousands of parents living in deep poverty.
All of these services improve lives. But numerous legislative plans could erect harmful barriers that keep struggling Alabamians from getting the help they need to survive.
Alabama Arise’s new fact sheet explains some of the harmful safety net proposals we may see this year. Arise members have helped defeat many of these proposals in the past. In 2020, we’ll need your help to do it again.
We need you with us as we work to defend programs that struggling people use in our state. Please join Alabama Arise or renew your membership today to add your voice to our chorus for change. Together, we can build a better Alabama!