Join us at Alabama Arise’s 2021 action briefings!

Alabama’s 2021 legislative session begins Feb. 2. It will not proceed as usual given the extraordinary times in which we live. But we still need to be prepared to move our issues forward. This series of briefings will both inform and equip us to act strategically to continue the work for a better Alabama for all.

Please join us at any or all of these sessions! Registration is required, so please register at the link under each description.

Tuesday, January 12, 6 p.m.Legislative advocacy in a pandemic

We will preview what we expect for the coming session, including what will be different. We also will share legislative advocacy tips for this (temporary) new normal. Click here to register for this session.

Tuesday, January 19, 6 p.m.Voting rights

More people are voting than ever before. We will talk about ways to protect and strengthen voting rights in Alabama. Click here to register for this session.

Tuesday, January 26, 6 p.m.Criminal justice and death penalty reform

We will discuss Alabama’s unjust criminal justice system – and how to fix it. Click here to register for this session.

Monday, February 1, 6 p.m.State budget priorities

Budgets are moral documents. Let’s put our money where our values are. Our budget priorities should reflect our commitment to advancing economic and racial justice. Click here to register for this session.

Alabama Arise action briefings flyer

Alabama Arise resources for the 2020 general election

Election Day is officially Nov. 3, but the 2020 general election is well underway. More than 206,000 Alabamians have voted already, shattering the state’s previous record for votes cast before Election Day.

The presidential and U.S. Senate races are drawing the biggest share of the attention in Alabama this year. But voters also will decide on their U.S. representatives, six statewide constitutional amendments and a host of state and local offices.

Have you made a plan to vote? Below, Alabama Arise has information about how to vote by mail or in person. And we explain why we urge Alabamians to vote YES on Amendment 4.


It’s not too late for absentee voting!

  • The deadline to submit a standard absentee ballot application or to vote absentee in person this year is Thursday, Oct. 29.
  • The last day to postmark an absentee ballot is Monday, Nov. 2, the day before the election.
  • Due to potential mail delays, voters who are interested in voting absentee should consider safely doing so in person. Absentee ballots must arrive at the election manager’s office by no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 2 (if hand-delivered) or by noon on Tuesday, Nov. 3 (if returned by mail).
  • Alabamians may vote absentee if they are worried about crowded polling places during the COVID-19 pandemic. On the application, they should check the box that says “I have a physical illness or infirmity which prevents my attendance at the polls.”
  • You can find much more information and resources on absentee voting on the Alabama Secretary of State’s website.

What you need to know for Election Day

Alabama Arise supports Amendment 4

Vote Yes on Amendment 4!

From our blog: “It’s past time for Alabama to tear down the policy legacies of slavery and segregation. And Alabamians can take an important step in that direction this fall by voting yes on Amendment 4. …

“Amendment 4 would allow the Legislature to remove racist language from the constitution. Examples of these provisions include references to separate schools for Black and white children and the prohibition of interracial marriages. This change would address one of the constitution’s original sins: its authors’ explicit intent to establish white supremacy in Alabama.”

Read more about Amendment 4 here.

ACA lawsuit could end health coverage for 122,000 Alabamians

At least 122,000 Alabamians would lose health coverage if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a new analysis from the nonpartisan Urban Institute. The state’s uninsured rate would increase by 25% as a result.

That number also doesn’t include hundreds of thousands of uninsured or underinsured adults with low incomes who would gain coverage if Alabama expands Medicaid. If the lawsuit succeeds, the ACA’s 9-to-1 federal funding match for Medicaid expansion would disappear.

“Repealing the ACA would throw our health care system into chaos in the middle of a pandemic and a deep recession,” Alabama Arise executive director Robyn Hyden said. “Tens of thousands of Alabamians would lose health coverage when they need it most. And hundreds of thousands would pay more for coverage or lose protections for their preexisting conditions.”

The White House and 18 states, including Alabama, are asking the Supreme Court to strike down the entire ACA. Oral arguments before the Supreme Court are scheduled for Nov. 10.

More than 21 million Americans would lose coverage in 2022 if the ACA falls, according to the Urban Institute. Coverage losses could be even larger next year, as the COVID-19 pandemic and recession likely still will be ongoing.

“The ACA has been a health lifeline for many Alabamians during the pandemic,” Hyden said. “It provides coverage options for people who have lost their jobs or seen sharp reductions in their income. And it ensures people aren’t denied insurance just because they got sick.”

Ending the ACA would undermine racial equity, harm people with preexisting conditions

The ACA made important progress in reducing racial disparities in health care that often stem from structural racism. But large coverage losses from ending the ACA would reverse many of those gains, the Urban Institute finds. Overturning the ACA would strip health coverage from nearly one in 10 Black and Latino Americans under age 65. More than one in 10 Native Americans nationwide would become uninsured.

Ending the ACA also would eliminate protections for people with preexisting conditions. This would allow insurers to charge higher rates to people with conditions like asthma, cancer, diabetes or COVID-19. Insurance companies also could refuse to offer them coverage at any price. One in three Alabamians under age 65 have a preexisting condition that would have been “declinable” before the ACA.

ACA repeal would harm people who have health insurance through their jobs, too. Their plans could reintroduce annual and lifetime coverage limits. Requirements for plans to cover essential benefits and provide free preventive services would disappear. So would the requirement for insurers to allow young adults to be covered through their parents’ plans.

Striking down the ACA would be a tax windfall for wealthy people, large corporations

Wealthy people and some large corporations would be among the few winners if the lawsuit succeeds. They would get billions of dollars in tax cuts, the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities finds:

  • The highest-income 0.1% of households would receive tax cuts averaging about $198,000 per year. This group has annual incomes of more than $3 million. A portion of these tax cuts would come at the expense of the Medicare Trust Fund, which would lose about $10 billion in revenue each year.
  • Pharmaceutical companies would pay $2.8 billion less in taxes each year. Meanwhile, millions of seniors could pay billions of dollars more for prescription drugs annually. That’s because eliminating the ACA could reopen the “donut hole” gap in Medicare’s prescription drug benefit.

“The ACA has left Alabama better equipped to fight COVID-19 and rebuild our economy after the recession,” Hyden said. “And those benefits would be even greater if Alabama would adopt Medicaid expansion.

“Striking down the ACA would harm the Alabamians who have suffered the most during the pandemic and the recession. It would deprive our state of the opportunity to save lives and strengthen our health care system by expanding Medicaid. And it would shower huge tax cuts on rich people while making life harder for everyone else. Alabama officials should stop seeking to undermine the ACA and start investing in a healthier future for our entire state.”

Pandemic EBT renewal a good first step, but families still need comprehensive COVID-19 relief

The U.S. Senate this week approved a continuing resolution that extended Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits through September 2021. The resolution was enacted Thursday. Alabama Arise policy analyst Carol Gundlach issued the following statement Friday in response:

“The extension of Pandemic EBT through September 2021 is welcome news for families struggling to make ends meet. P-EBT has been a powerful, flexible tool to fight child hunger during an era of remote learning. The program has helped feed more than 400,000 Alabama children while school buildings are fully or partially closed. Its renewal will help tens of millions of American families keep food on the table.

“P-EBT’s renewal was an important step to help struggling parents afford food during a deep recession and high unemployment. But families still need and deserve a comprehensive relief bill that truly meets the size and scope of suffering that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted across Alabama and across our country.

“An adequate relief package would provide enough federal relief to help states avoid cuts to vital services like education and Medicaid. It would renew the $600 weekly federal increase to unemployment insurance benefits. And it would boost nutrition and housing assistance to help millions who are at risk of hunger and homelessness. The House passed legislation that would do those things months ago, and the Senate should do the same.

“The pandemic won’t go away anytime soon. Struggling families need a relief bill that takes meaningful, long-term action to address this health crisis and ease financial suffering. Senators should pass such a bill quickly, and their constituents should accept nothing less.”

P-EBT, rapid school actions keep Alabama children fed

Six months ago, COVID-19 forced school officials to reinvent public education on the fly. For more than 400,000 Alabama students, the stakes were more than academic. School closures also threatened their daily nutrition.

Schools’ responses were encouraging and fast. Last spring, Alabama quickly adopted federal options to serve multiple meals at once and offer them outside of the usual group settings. Child nutrition professionals hustled to provide school meals at local “grab-and-go” sites or by home delivery. Community eligibility, which lets schools with high poverty rates opt to provide no-cost meals for everyone, eased distribution by removing cumbersome eligibility verification.

In April, Alabama was one of the first states to adopt a new USDA plan called Pandemic EBT. P-EBT sends the value of school breakfasts and lunches ($5.70 per day) directly to eligible families on an EBT card. Payments were retroactive for March and April and continued through May 29. Families still can spend P-EBT credits through Dec. 31.

This summer, schools provided ongoing nutrition support through the regular Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option. The USDA has allowed both programs to continue through Dec. 31. But the best solution would be for Congress to extend P-EBT through the 2020-21 academic year. It’s less complicated and more effective than forcing schools to figure out how to get meals to children learning remotely. The House voted Tuesday to renew P-EBT for a full year, and the Senate should quickly do the same.

U.S. Senate still needs to do its job and pass meaningful COVID-19 relief

The U.S. Senate on Thursday failed to advance an inadequate COVID-19 relief plan. Alabama Arise executive director Robyn Hyden issued the following statement Thursday in response:

“The bill that failed in the Senate this week was wholly inadequate to meet the size and scope of suffering that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted across Alabama and across our country. Lawmakers shouldn’t leave Washington without approving an adequate, long-term deal to help struggling Americans make ends meet.

“This plan offered nowhere near enough federal relief to help states avoid cuts to vital services like education and Medicaid. It would have cut the previous $600 weekly federal increase to unemployment insurance benefits in half, even though jobs remain hard to find. And it included no nutrition or housing assistance to help millions who are at risk of hunger and homelessness.

“Congress needs to step up and do its job by protecting people from harm. Last month’s executive actions were nothing more than a Band-Aid over a gaping economic wound. And any so-called relief bill that doesn’t help people keep food on the table and a roof over their heads is no relief bill at all.

“The pandemic isn’t going away anytime soon. Struggling families need a relief bill that takes meaningful, long-term action to address this health crisis and ease financial suffering. Senators should pass such a bill quickly, and their constituents should accept nothing less.”

COVID-19 executive actions ‘a Band-Aid over a gaping economic wound’

The White House on Saturday unveiled executive actions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Alabama Arise communications director Chris Sanders issued the following statement Tuesday in response:

“These executive actions put a Band-Aid over a gaping economic wound. They don’t stem the tide of evictions or extend rental or mortgage assistance to help people stay in their homes. They don’t increase SNAP assistance to help millions of struggling families keep food on the table. And they don’t provide federal relief to help states avoid layoffs and cuts to education, Medicaid and other vital services.

“These actions don’t offer sufficient relief for millions of Americans who lost their jobs during the pandemic. The weekly federal increase to unemployment insurance benefits would drop from $600 to $300, with Alabama and other cash-strapped states expected to contribute another $100 despite slumping tax revenues. And without new legislation, the federal money would only last for a few weeks. Congress can eliminate this uncertainty by extending federal funding for the $600 weekly UI benefit increase into next year.

“It’s unclear if some of the executive actions would survive a legal challenge. Even if they would, they’re inadequate to address the size and scope of suffering across Alabama and across our country. There’s simply no replacement for a bipartisan relief package. Congress must step up quickly to ease the suffering and help struggling families make ends meet.”

Alabama should ensure all eligible residents receive federal stimulus payments

Alabama and the nation are facing an economic crisis like nothing we’ve ever seen. More than 13% of Alabama households don’t have enough money to feed their families, the Census Bureau reports. Nearly half of Alabama’s renters may face eviction in the near future.

Meanwhile, an estimated 267,000 eligible Alabamians have not received their federal stimulus payments of $1,200 per eligible adult and $500 per eligible child. Altogether, the IRS still owes Alabama families more than $260 million in stimulus money. The application deadline is Oct. 15, 2020, so outreach efforts are crucial to ensure hundreds of thousands of Alabamians don’t miss out.

Many eligible people have not yet applied for payments

Congress created the payments (called Economic Impact Payments) in March as part of the CARES Act, a COVID-19 relief package. Income-eligible people who filed income taxes for 2018 or who receive Social Security, SSI, veterans’ benefits or other direct federal benefits automatically received stimulus payments.

But other eligible people must apply to the IRS to receive the payments. About 12 million Americans are eligible for a stimulus payment but not eligible for automatic payments, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates.

The range of people who are ineligible for automatic payments is wide. They can include people who face long-term unemployment or don’t earn enough to have to file taxes. They also may include people who have chronic health problems but who do not draw disability benefits. And they can include young people aging out of foster care or low-income students lacking their family’s financial support.

These eligible Americans are disproportionately people of color due to higher poverty rates resulting from long-standing employment discrimination. They’re more likely to have less education and struggle with homelessness or housing insecurity. And they’re more likely to be hit the hardest during the COVID-19 recession.

Stimulus payments help families and the economy

Stimulus payments help Alabama families get caught up on rent, utilities and grocery bills. They’re also an important economic boost for the state. Every $1 in stimulus payments to struggling households can yield 1.5 times as much in economic activity because the money gets spent almost immediately. Drawing down the missing $260 million in stimulus payments would ease suffering and help Alabama’s economy endure the recession.

How to apply for a stimulus payment

Eligible people who didn’t receive an automatic payment can apply directly to the IRS using the “Non-Filer” tool. For a household to receive a payment, every person in the household must have a Social Security number. Only U.S. citizens and authorized permanent residents are eligible for payments. Click here to find out more about how to apply for a stimulus payment.

Alabama needs to get the word out

State agencies have an important role to play in outreach to people who have not yet claimed their stimulus payment. Of the 12 million Americans who didn’t automatically qualify, three-fourths participate in Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

If our state’s numbers follow the national trend, that would mean about 200,000 Alabamians who participate in Medicaid or SNAP are eligible for stimulus payments but haven’t received them yet. More than a third of them are children, and therefore probably receiving Medicaid. Another third are older adults without children.

Alabama’s Medicaid and SNAP officials can help enrollees by encouraging them to apply for stimulus payments and explaining how. Nonprofit agencies, especially those offering assistance with housing and utilities, likewise can help their clients apply for payments. And elected officials can use traditional and social media to encourage Alabamians to apply for the help available to them.

These are challenging times. But if we all pull together and take care of each other, we can get through them. One good step would be to ensure all eligible Alabamians get the federal help they need to make ends meet.

New Senate COVID-19 relief plan falls short of meeting Alabamians’ needs

U.S. Senate Republicans on Monday unveiled a new proposed COVID-19 relief plan. Alabama Arise executive director Robyn Hyden issued the following statement Tuesday in response:

“Millions of Alabamians are being pushed to the brink during the COVID-19 crisis. They’re struggling with difficult tradeoffs between protecting their own health, paying for basic necessities and caring for children and seniors. Nearly one in four renters in Alabama are behind on rent. And one in five adults with children in our state say their kids sometimes don’t have enough to eat because the household just can’t afford enough food.

“As families face these health and economic shocks, the Senate relief proposal fails to meet the demands of the moment. This plan would slash supplemental unemployment insurance benefits amid the highest unemployment since the Great Depression. It wouldn’t increase housing assistance to prevent families from being evicted and becoming homeless. It wouldn’t increase SNAP benefits to address the critical hunger concerns facing families of schoolchildren. And it wouldn’t provide Alabama and other states with the money needed to invest in child care, avoid teacher layoffs and prevent cuts to Medicaid and other vital services as budget shortfalls grow.

“This plan is inadequate by any measure. We urge our senators to reject it and look instead toward the approach taken in the House-passed HEROES Act. The House plan would boost Medicaid funding and offer more support for essential workers and people who lost their jobs. And it would provide federal assistance so states can avoid devastating service cuts that would hurt tens of millions of people.”

What a meaningful COVID-19 relief plan should look like

Alabama Arise urges Congress to negotiate a COVID-19 relief package that does the following:

  • Boosts Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits so struggling families can keep food on the table.
  • Increases housing assistance to help people pay their rent and mortgages and to avert a surge in homelessness.
  • Preserves the weekly $600 federal increase to unemployment insurance benefits.
  • Provides additional federal funding for states to avert harmful layoffs and invest in vital services like Medicaid and child care.
  • Removes administrative barriers to alternative school meal distribution procedures for districts that are holding classes online.
  • Allocates federal funding to help election officials process more absentee ballots and maintain proper social distancing at polling places.
  • Makes the Child Tax Credit temporarily available to children in families with the lowest incomes and expands the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-paid workers who are not raising children in their homes.

Working in Alabama during the COVID-19 pandemic: Who faces the danger?

Many Alabamians have modified their work circumstances in recent months to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. But tens of thousands of people still must work in public-facing jobs that put them at increased risk of illness.

Front-line workers in grocery stores, hospitals and pharmacies perform necessary tasks to keep our communities functioning during the pandemic. The burden of facing those health risks is unevenly distributed, though. Workers in jobs like health care, food service and child care are disproportionately likely to be people of color or women. And state and national policy failures on COVID-19 are more likely to hit them the hardest.

Gender disparities and low wages increase risk

Differing employment levels in the health and retail fields particularly have forced more women to risk coronavirus infection. Two-thirds of Alabama’s essential workers are women, though women comprise just under half of the state’s total workforce.

Health care workers overall are much more likely to be women, and they face drastically heightened risk of infection at work. Among Alabama workers, women comprise 81% of health care workers and 89% of child care and social services workers. Jobs in these fields often require consistent exposure to large numbers of people.

Pie charts: Alabama front-line workers are much more likely to be women. Women are 66.4% of all Alabama front-line workers and 80.6% of Alabama health care workers.

Health care accounts for more than one in 10 jobs in Alabama. And the higher proportion of women in this field contributes to a gender-based disparity for COVID-19 exposure. In many cases, personal protective equipment (PPE) has run short for doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. This structural failure has forced many of these workers to reuse PPE, posing potentially severe health risks.

The wages and work conditions for essential front-line workers often don’t reflect the importance of their work. Many workers received higher hourly wages early in the pandemic, but now some employers have begun eliminating hazard bonuses. In the retail sector – already filled with low-wage jobs with sparse benefits – major employers like Amazon, Kroger and Target have stopped their wage bonuses.

Returning to work at unsustainably low wages amid a pandemic isn’t the only way many hard-working Alabamians are being squeezed. The state also has placed workers at risk of homelessness with an ill-timed wave of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits cutoffs coupled with the lifting of a two-month moratorium on evictions for nonpayment of rent. And a federally funded $600 weekly UI benefit increase during the pandemic will expire this month unless Congress renews it.

Racial disparities in employment and health coverage shape risk

Structural factors leave Black and Latino Alabamians at increased risk from COVID-19. Black and Latino people account for a disproportionate share of workers in essential jobs. And because of long-term, systemic racism that creates barriers to regular health care, Black people are more likely to have underlying conditions that worsen coronavirus outcomes.

Table: More than 1 in 3 of Alabama's front-line workers are people of color. 31.8% of Alabama front-line workers are Black, compared to 25% of the labor force. 2.3% of front-line workers are Latino and 1.3% are Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders.

Even among essential workers, people of color are more likely to face heightened exposure in certain public-facing industries. In Alabama, the share of Black people working in grocery or convenience stores is two and a half times larger than in the U.S. workforce overall. The share of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who work in grocery and convenience stores is double their percentage of Alabama’s overall population.

Despite these elevated risks, Black and Latino Alabamians are far more likely than white people to lack health insurance coverage. And because Alabama hasn’t expanded Medicaid, Black and Latino residents are more likely to fall into the health coverage gap, earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to afford insurance. People of color make up 34% of Alabama’s population but comprise 49% of uninsured Alabamians with low incomes.

This table shows the disproportionate burden that women, people of color and low-wage workers face across several essential employment fields:

Table: Women, people of color and low-wage workers are at greater risk of coronavirus exposure in front-line jobs across Alabama. Women are 47.9% of total workers in Alabama but 66.4% of front-line workers. People of color are 31.7% of all workers but 36.4% of front-line workers. 34.5% of front-line workers have incomes below 200% of the poverty line, compared to 31.9% of all workers.

Unfortunately, the chart’s data cannot account for differing exposure rates based on specific jobs within those career fields. But given that women in medical fields often face bias inhibiting their promotion into supervisory roles, women are likely at greater risk of coronavirus infection than their high proportion in the health care industry indicates. And overall, people of color are more likely to work non-supervisory jobs with higher public exposure in many front-line fields.

Shortsighted policy choices harm the economy and virus containment

Refusal to expand Medicaid and attempts to slash UI benefits are harmful policy decisions that fly in the face of the reality of the pandemic. And the burden of these cruel choices falls more heavily on people who already face disadvantages in the labor market.

More than 600,000 people have filed UI claims in Alabama since the pandemic reached the state in March. Thousands of Alabamians are already losing UI benefits for refusing to return to work in conditions they see as unsafe. Each person prematurely knocked off the UI rolls loses not only the $275 monthly state benefits, but also the $600 monthly federal supplement guaranteed through July. Alabama is forfeiting millions of federal dollars as a result.

That money would help shore up flagging state revenues for education, health care and other vital services. It also would help people meet basic needs and limit the coronavirus’s spread during an unprecedented economic and health crisis. Forcing people back to workplaces while COVID-19 is still rampant is a dangerous attempt to restore Alabama’s inequitable economic structure.

Alabama should move forward, not return to past failures

The pandemic has shined a light on many of Alabama’s policy mistakes. The state can take this opportunity to fix harsh, shortsighted policies that devalue and harm Alabamians. And our leaders must take the lead on implementing helpful policies because of a lack of comprehensive federal action. The U.S. Department of Labor has issued no guidance allowing workers in high-risk groups to stay home and retain benefits. And the department has not reinforced health and safety protections for workers whose employers don’t take proper coronavirus precautions.

As a result, many older adults, cancer survivors and immunocompromised people face a stark choice between their lives and livelihoods. They must either subject themselves to a higher chance of death from COVID-19 or risk hunger and homelessness when the state cuts off UI benefits. Black and Latino people, women and struggling families will bear the brunt of this callous undermining of the safety net.

Alabama can and should do better. Instead of forcing people back into workplaces prematurely, lawmakers should fix failed policies like the 2019 cuts to UI benefits. Gov. Kay Ivey should expand Medicaid to ensure everyone can get the life-saving health care they need. And our state should abandon the impulse to punish people for inability to find work, especially during a deep recession. Instead, Alabama should enact policies that support and value people both while they work and when they lose their jobs.