Budgets are more than numbers on a page. They’re reflections of our state and national priorities, and of our willingness as a society to work together to make those goals a reality. Strong investments in vital public infrastructure like education, health care and child care can help remove barriers to opportunity for struggling Alabamians and promote shared prosperity for everyone in our state. Arise’s budget analysis examines the importance of investing in these services and protecting them from harmful, shortsighted cuts.
Featured Resources
VIDEO: The path forward in Arise’s work to untax groceries
Fact Sheet
What are the benefits of a universal school breakfast program in Alabama?
Fact Sheet
Universal school breakfast helps Alabama children learn and thrive
Fact Sheet
CHOOSE Act will further hurt Alabama’s public schools
Fact Sheet
Summer EBT for 2025
Fact Sheet
Summer EBT for 2025
Fact Sheet
How can Alabama ensure Summer EBT for 2025?
Inspired by Pandemic EBT (P-EBT), Summer EBT provides $120 in SNAP benefits per categorically eligible child throughout the summer months.
June 2023 newsletter
The June 2023 newsletter features a recap of the 2023 Alabama legislative session as well as coverage from our Legislative Day.