
The COVID-19 pandemic is a threat to lives and livelihoods across Alabama. As infections increase and job losses mount, millions of Alabamians are worried about food, health care, housing, income and other basic needs. And the outbreak is taking a disproportionate toll on black and Latino communities where people are more likely to live in poverty and without health insurance.

Coronavirus has revealed and worsened structural shortcomings that have plagued Alabama for decades. Arise is committed to helping struggling people connect with the resources they need now. And we'll continue to advance policies that would help Alabama respond effectively to the pandemic and build a stronger, more inclusive state in its aftermath.

Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise, 81 partner groups urge Alabama to fund public transportation

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) relief funding provides an opportunity for Alabama to jump-start public transportation across the state. Alabama Arise joined 81 partner organizations Wednesday in a letter asking lawmakers to allocate ARPA money to public transportation. The full text of the letter is below. Letter text Dear Governor Ivey, Lieutenant Governor Ainsworth, members [...]
Coronavirus, Budgets, Public Transportation
June 22, 2022
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise, partners urge no disruption to summer food program in Alabama

The Summer Food Service Program has been a critical tool to fight child hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic. But many key program flexibilities will expire June 30 unless Alabama applies for a waiver. Alabama Arise and our partners in the Hunger-Free Alabama coalition wrote a letter Thursday to state school Superintendent Eric Mackey to urge [...]
Budgets, Safety Net, Coronavirus
May 5, 2022

Alabama Arise toolkit on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is an unprecedented opportunity for local and state lawmakers in Alabama to invest equitably in an economic recovery that serves Alabamians of all backgrounds. ARPA provides $130 billion in federal funding directly to local governments. This level of aid will help communities across the country shape their recovery from [...]
Budgets, Coronavirus
November 18, 2021
Alabama Arise
Personal Stories

When Alabama’s coverage gap hit home for my family

This story originally appeared on Our borders have become irregular as COVID-19 closes in on almost every part of our lives. The pandemic has made all of us realize how the shapes of our families are becoming irreparably different. This summer, the shape of my own life changed. Cathy Parker was one of my [...]
Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion, Health
October 27, 2021
Whit Sides

The State of Working Alabama 2021: What policy barriers should Alabama remove on this Labor Day?

It’s Labor Day weekend. The days are ever so slightly cooler. Football season has started. And Alabama’s economy is officially “open for business.” So why are so many jobs still going unfilled in our state? Why are employers looking for workers and not finding them? A look at some very interesting data can provide a [...]
Health, Public Transportation, Safety Net, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
September 3, 2021
Carol Gundlach
Fact Sheet

Rental assistance resources to prevent evictions in Alabama

[caption id="attachment_711" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Affordable housing advocates rally outside the Alabama State House in Montgomery in 2015.[/caption] Are you facing eviction, or is a renter at your property unable to pay rent? Evictions in Alabama are resuming now that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the federal eviction moratorium. If you are facing eviction because [...]
Coronavirus, Housing
September 2, 2021
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

To strengthen the common good: Six principles for allocating Alabama’s ARPA funding

Introduction Dear Governor Ivey, One of the darkest years in recent memory has put Alabama’s families, communities, health system, businesses – and our leaders at all levels – to the test. Thank you for all your efforts to keep Alabamians safe and secure during this unprecedented emergency. Now that a post-COVID world is dawning, the [...]
Health, Housing, Public Transportation, Safety Net, Tax Reform, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion, Budgets, Criminal Justice
July 7, 2021
Alabama Arise
Personal Stories

‘It’s time for someone to stick up for us’: Walker County’s need for Medicaid expansion

[caption id="attachment_5522" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Rev. Robin Hinkle is the rector at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Jasper. Her ministry has greatly scaled up food assistance to the community to help ease financial suffering during the COVID-19 recession. (Photo courtesy of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church)[/caption] Walker County has gained notoriety in recent years as one of [...]
Health, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
April 15, 2021
Whit Sides
Fact Sheet

Now is the time! Medicaid expansion talking points in Alabama

Timing On Thursday, March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act, which will bring back federal funding for states to newly expand Medicaid. Thanks to this law, if Alabama expanded Medicaid, the state would get an estimated $940 million boost in federal Medicaid funds over two years. This is enough money to [...]
Budgets, Health, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
March 12, 2021
Chris Sanders
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise, partners urge COVID-19 vaccine priority for Alabamians served through Medicaid waivers

Alabamians served through home- and community-based Medicaid waivers qualify for nursing home care but receive their care at home from community providers through the state’s Medicaid waiver program. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) has acknowledged that these individuals belong in the Phase 1a priority level for the COVID-19 vaccine. But they have not [...]
Coronavirus, Health
February 26, 2021
Alabama Arise