
The COVID-19 pandemic is a threat to lives and livelihoods across Alabama. As infections increase and job losses mount, millions of Alabamians are worried about food, health care, housing, income and other basic needs. And the outbreak is taking a disproportionate toll on black and Latino communities where people are more likely to live in poverty and without health insurance.

Coronavirus has revealed and worsened structural shortcomings that have plagued Alabama for decades. Arise is committed to helping struggling people connect with the resources they need now. And we'll continue to advance policies that would help Alabama respond effectively to the pandemic and build a stronger, more inclusive state in its aftermath.


The State of Working Alabama 2021

Introduction When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Alabama in March 2020, it didn’t just cause massive human suffering and economic disruption. It also revealed suffering and disruption that have long existed and that policymakers have long neglected – or even perpetuated. COVID-19 has laid bare deep racial inequities in Alabama’s economy and social system that have [...]
Safety Net, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion, Budgets, Health, Housing
February 22, 2021
Alabama Arise

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 1 – Introduction: The high cost of failing to protect the common good

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Alabama in March 2020, it didn’t just cause massive human suffering and economic disruption. It also revealed suffering and disruption that have long existed and that policymakers have long neglected – or even perpetuated. COVID-19 has laid bare deep racial and gender inequities in Alabama’s economy and social system that [...]
Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion, Budgets, Health, Housing, Safety Net
February 22, 2021
Jim Carnes

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 2 – Unequal by design: COVID-19 and Alabama’s policy legacy

COVID-19 revealed a stark reality about Alabama’s economy from the beginning: Our state has stacked the deck against underpaid working people. A high poverty rate, low educational attainment and poor health outcomes – with racial, ethnic and geographical disparities in all of these measures – are the results of low wages, low taxes and low [...]
Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus
February 22, 2021
Jim Carnes

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 3 – Assessing the damage: COVID-19 and Alabama’s labor market

Where are we now? The COVID-19 recession hit vulnerable Alabama workers hard and fast. Alabamians working in low-paying industries suffered immediate and severe job losses, which fell hardest on women and people of color. Unemployment insurance (UI), designed for just such a moment, was inadequate and insufficient to the needs of these workers because of [...]
Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Budgets, Safety Net
February 22, 2021
Carol Gundlach

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 4 – Praised but underprotected: Front-line workers in the pandemic

Where are we now? Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we’ve grown used to seeing, and applauding, signs in front of hospitals, fire departments, police stations and other emergency service providers saying “Heroes work here.” And we’ve learned to say “thank you” to people serving their communities’ needs at grocery, drug and convenience stores. We’ve learned [...]
Health, Housing, Safety Net, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
February 22, 2021
Carol Gundlach

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 5 – Why coverage matters: Health care in the time of COVID-19

Where are we now? While the COVID-19 pandemic has slammed all segments of Alabama’s economy and society in one way or another, the health care industry is where most of these effects converge. By the end of 2020, more than 350,000 Alabamians had tested positive or were considered likely positive for the virus, 72% of [...]
Budgets, Health, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
February 22, 2021
Jim Carnes

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 6 – The ugly reality: Alabama’s hunger problem during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to widespread hunger in Alabama. We all have seen the pictures – lines of cars stretching for blocks waiting to receive an emergency food box, desperate appeals from food banks that distributed as much food in the first six months of the pandemic as they did in the prior year, [...]
Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus, Budgets, Safety Net
February 22, 2021
Carol Gundlach

The State of Working Alabama 2021, Section 7 – No place to call home: Housing insecurity amid COVID-19

Where are we now? More than 800,000 job losses in the first eight months of the pandemic caused Alabamians severe economic damage and heightened insecurity. Thousands of Alabamians face potential eviction and homelessness as a result of the pandemic. And unfortunately, the state’s recent scattershot approach to eviction policy has resulted in inconsistent protection for [...]
Budgets, Housing, Economic Opportunity, Coronavirus
February 22, 2021
Dev Wakeley
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise testimony in opposition to corporate COVID-19 immunity bill

Arise's Robyn Hyden testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday in opposition to SB 30. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, would provide corporations with a broad range of civil immunity against lawsuits related to exposure to coronavirus or contraction of COVID-19. Here's the full text of Hyden's prepared remarks: Good morning. [...]
February 3, 2021
Alabama Arise
Personal Stories

‘Everything is fine, until it isn’t’

[caption id="attachment_4788" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Elizabeth works at a sewing machine in the family's home. (Photo courtesy of Geoff)[/caption] Part 1: A hard winter ahead Winter has been a long time coming for Geoff* and his wife, Elizabeth*. He didn’t think he could actually feel more anxious than he had since March, when he and his [...]
Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
December 18, 2020
Whit Sides