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Alabama voted. Now let’s organize for a better state
Here’s what Alabama Arise heard in 2024!
How Alabama can build an economy that works for workers
Labor Day is a holiday where we can reflect on the contributions that working people – and the unions that workers form to build power together – have made to the well-being of all people in the United States. These contributions include overtime pay, a five-day workweek, child labor protections and workplace safety standards.
These advances for working people didn’t come easily. Workers won them through strikes, pressure and solidarity. These advances came in the face of overwhelming opposition by bad employers that would have rather seen their workers die than to win workplace democracy.
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Alabama Arise + Organized Labor = People Power!
U.S. Labor Secretary calls Alabama Arise ‘truly incredible’ during visit to Birmingham
Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su laid out a sweeping vision for good jobs, listened to workers’ concerns and offered high praise for Arise during the U.S. Department of Labor’s visit to Alabama last week.