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The State of Working Alabama 2023 – Section 6: A wheel in the ditch — Economic impact of falling wages and the pay gap

Alabama’s autoworkers are living through a 20-year story of wage loss and unequal pay. This trend doesn’t harm only the individual auto employee who earned less this year than last. It also impacts employees across the entire industry and holds back Alabama’s overall economy. Unequal pay and declining wages take money out of autoworkers’ pockets that they otherwise would spend [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 30, 2023
Alabama Arise

The State of Working Alabama 2023 – Section 7: A wheel in the ditch — Working conditions worsen

Aside from declining wages and occupational segregation, some of Alabama’s auto employers are falling short with conditions on the factory floor. Specifically, media coverage and interviews with autoworkers at numerous facilities revealed the following problems with working conditions in Alabama’s auto plants: - The tiered wage system. In an effort to reduce costs and increase profits, [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 30, 2023
Alabama Arise

The State of Working Alabama 2023 – Section 8: The auto industry and Alabama’s low-road economic development approach

Alabama’s big bet on the auto industry has only partially paid off, as wages drop and working conditions deteriorate at some facilities. In contrast to the sunny stories told by auto industry boosters, the industry’s shortcomings reveal broader shortcomings in the state’s overall approach to economic development, which still often embodies the low-road mindset of a [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 30, 2023
Alabama Arise

The State of Working Alabama 2023 – Section 9: What we should do next

Automakers, policymakers, community stakeholders, workers and unions all have critical roles to play in making sure the auto industry benefits its workers and the entire state to the greatest extent possible. Below are some recommendations that would strengthen Alabama’s auto industry and help the state build a more prosperous economy that makes life better for every [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 30, 2023
Alabama Arise

The State of Working Alabama 2023 – Appendix: Research design and methodology

How we define the ‘auto industry’ In this study, we confined our definition of the auto industry to the three industries that conduct auto manufacturing (as opposed to other auto-related activities): NAICS 3361 – Motor Vehicle Manufacturing NAICS 3362 – Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing NAICS 3363 – Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Taken together, [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 30, 2023
Alabama Arise

Join Alabama Arise in this season of gratitude

In this season of gratitude, I’m thankful for you – our members. You lead our work by sharing your vision for building a better Alabama. And then you join Alabama Arise in getting to work by taking action and by giving financially. More than 10% of our financial support comes from members like you. And your [...]
November 27, 2023
Jacob Smith

Alabama Arise, worker advocates celebrate progress

Alabama Arise is working on multiple fronts to improve life for working Alabamians. As part of our ongoing Worker Power Project, we held an Oct. 26 convening in Montgomery with around 20 worker advocacy groups and organized labor partners from across the state. Attendees met to discuss building and implementing a state agenda to build [...]
Economic Opportunity
November 27, 2023
Dev Wakeley

Medicaid ‘unwinding’ hits halfway mark in Alabama

In April, Medicaid ended a continuous coverage eligibility period brought on by the public health emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic. What followed was a return to traditional eligibility requirements. This return to normal rules is called “unwinding.” Coverage losses have begun, and tens of thousands of Alabamians likely will lose their Medicaid coverage by June [...]
Health, Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
November 27, 2023
Jennifer Harris

Maternal, infant health care debuts as an Alabama Arise priority

Alabama Arise reached a new milestone in October when more than 500 members voted to determine Arise’s 2024 legislative priorities after our Annual Meeting. Nearly 100 members attended the meeting in person at the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Institute in Montgomery, while almost 250 attended virtually. Outgoing board president Kathy Vincent led the meeting, which [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
November 27, 2023
Whitney Washington

Three strategies to boost Alabama’s workforce

Alabama leaders and policymakers are stressing about one big issue going into the 2024 legislative session: labor force participation. Alabama’s labor force participation rate is among the nation’s lowest. Only 57% of working-age adults reported they were actively working or looking for jobs as of September 2023. We also have a severe worker shortage, with [...]
Public Transportation, Tax Reform, Economic Opportunity, Medicaid Expansion
November 22, 2023
Robyn Hyden