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Click here to donate now! Members like you and me are the heartbeat of Alabama Arise. Our collective power has brought material improvements to the lives of Alabamians, such as reducing the state grocery tax and extending postpartum Medicaid coverage. Thank you for supporting us in building a better Alabama. Will you join Arise with [...]
Fact Sheet
Alabama roadblock: Our public transit gap
Inadequate public transportation keeps thousands of Alabamians from meeting basic needs.More than 50 years after the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) provides no public transit funding. A 1952 amendment to Alabama's constitution makes it illegal to use state gas tax and license fee revenuse -- a logical source of transit funds [...]
Fact Sheet
Getting by: The challenge of measuring poverty
Defining poverty is a difficult task. The researcher who developed the poverty threshold called them a measure of "income inadequacy." That is, they reflect a general agreement about how much is too little to live on, rather than how much is enough. This fact sheet describes how the government measures poverty and offers an alternative measure called the Self-Sufficiency Standard [...]