Letters & Testimony

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Letters & Testimony

Alabama should use federal COVID-19 relief funds to heal and protect communities, Arise and partners write

To members of the Alabama Legislature, Alabama is struggling. Even after Governor Ivey issued an emergency stay-at-home order, the average number of new coronavirus cases continues to rise. And despite those climbing case numbers, Alabama is moving forward with reopening its economy. To accomplish a successful recovery, residents must have confidence that it is safe [...]
Budgets, Criminal Justice, Health, Housing, Coronavirus
June 9, 2020
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise and partners urge Ivey to use every Medicaid tool available to save lives during COVID-19 pandemic

To: Gov. Kay Ivey and Commissioner Stephanie Azar From: The Undersigned Alabama Organizations Re: Alabama’s Policy Response to COVID-19 Date: March 19, 2020 Thank you both for your leadership, especially at this critical time. Alabama’s health care system, like most others around the world, is facing severe stresses with the COVID-19 pandemic. Seniors and people [...]
Health, Coronavirus
March 19, 2020
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Ending an ‘unjust burden’: Alabama Arise testimony in favor of SB 144 to untax groceries

Arise’s Robyn Hyden testified to the Senate’s education budget committee Wednesday in support of SB 144. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Andrew Jones, R-Centre, would eliminate Alabama’s state sales tax on groceries and replace the lost revenue by capping the state deduction for federal income taxes. Here’s the full text of Hyden’s prepared remarks: Good [...]
Tax Reform
March 11, 2020
Robyn Hyden
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise comments on how proposed SNAP changes would reduce school meal access

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing a rule that would require some states to reduce gross income limits for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants. It also would force 42 states, including Alabama, to impose resource limits on applicants. More than 3 million people would become ineligible for food assistance under the rule, [...]
Safety Net
November 1, 2019
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise comments in opposition to proposed SNAP categorical eligibility changes

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is proposing a rule that would require some states to reduce gross income limits for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants. It also would force 42 states, including Alabama, to impose resource limits on applicants. More than 3 million people would become ineligible for food assistance under the rule, [...]
Safety Net
September 19, 2019
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise comments in opposition to federal plan to evict mixed-status immigrant families

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is proposing a rule that would bar tens of thousands of "mixed-status" immigrant families from living in public housing and Section 8 programs. These families include both members who are eligible and ineligible for assistance based on immigration status. The proposed rule would harm more than [...]
July 10, 2019
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise comments in opposition to federal plan to redefine poverty line

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is proposing to reduce annual cost-of-living adjustments to the federal poverty line. Over time, this plan would reduce or end Medicaid, SNAP food assistance and other work supports for millions of Americans. Here is the full text of the comments Alabama Arise submitted in opposition to this proposal: [...]
Safety Net
June 14, 2019
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Proposed Alabama Medicaid changes are ‘a catch-22 that forces people into the coverage gap,’ Alabama Arise tells officials

Alabama’s proposed new Medicaid work requirement waiver would be costly, counterproductive, ineffective and harmful to thousands of families who live in deep poverty, Alabama Arise wrote in official comments submitted to state Medicaid officials on Thursday, Oct. 11, 2018. “Threatening loss of health care in an attempt to force work efforts, without providing the supports that [...]
October 11, 2018
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Arise and partner groups urge Jones, Shelby to support Senate Farm Bill without harmful changes

Nearly 1 in 8 Americans, including nearly 900,000 Alabamians, depend on SNAP to help them keep food on the table. And each year, SNAP contributes $1.3 billion to Alabama’s economy, spent in more than 5,000 Alabama stores. Standing in stark contrast to the House Farm Bill, which could terminate or reduce benefits for more than 2 [...]
Safety Net
June 18, 2018
Alabama Arise
Letters & Testimony

Alabama Arise submits comments in opposition to Alabama’s ‘flagrantly cruel’ Medicaid work requirement proposal

Alabama’s proposed new Medicaid work requirement waiver would be costly, counterproductive, ineffective and harmful to thousands of families who live in deep poverty, Arise wrote in comments submitted to the Alabama Medicaid Agency on Thursday, March 22. Click the "Download" button to read the full comments. About 1 million Alabamians – mostly children, seniors, people [...]
March 22, 2018
Alabama Arise